T-Talk II at the Tanzmesse

SHAPERS: Challenging perception. Dance in public places in the Euro-Mediterranean – PART II

Partners of the SHAPERS project presented at a ‘T-Talk’ for the second time at the internationale tanzmesse nrw, a biennial gathering of contemporary dance professionals in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The partner organisations of the EU project SHAPERS shared and discussed the experience they gathered over the past 2 years: How do cities and public spaces challenge dance and bodies and how do artists renegotiate the perception and role of the body in the Euro-Mediterranean? Together with eight dancers from France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco, Spain and Egypt, they shared experiences of training, creation and cooperation across the Euro-Mediterranean for contemporary dance in public spaces and unusual locations.


Anne Le Batard and Jean Antoine Bigot (choreographers and Ex Nihilo’s co-artistic directors), Anne Rossignol (in8circle’s director), Meryem Jazouli (choreographer and Espace Darja’s artistic director), Emilie Petit (artist and Momkin espaces de possibles & Nassim el Raqs’ artistic director), Maria Gonzales (artistic director of Mes de Danza), Lucien Arino (artistic director of Centre Rézodanse Egypte), Jasmina Prolic (choreographer and ZVRK artistic director)

Internationale tanzmesse nrw gathers artists from more than 50 countries in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia providing an equal opportunity to present their work to a professional audience. The Tanzmesse is an event dedicated to contemporary dance without any specific geographical focus.

More on the internationale tanzmesse nrw

A Cartography of References with Alix de Morant

December 2017

The SHAPERS dancers and partners from Ex Nihilo and Momkin – espaces de possibles attended a presentation about the history of artistic urban interventions by Alix de Morant, a performing arts researcher and university lecturer specialized in artistic nomadism and in-situ art in public space. This was followed by a workshop to map their dance and art references onto a personal cartography.

This presentation and workshop took place in Marseilles, at the Cité des Arts de la Rue.


Alix de Morant is Assistant Professor of Theatre & Choreography at Université Paul Valery Montpellier 3 and Member of RIRRA 21 ( EA4209). She is part of the pedagogic team of EXERCE Master of Choreography (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier/ICI-CCN Montpellier Occitanie-direction Christian Rizzo) and directs the DAPCE Master degree in European Art & Culture Management. In addition to several publications in Art pressAlternatives ThéâtralesBallet/Tanz, COI, Ligeia, Theatre/Public, she is the author with Sylvie Clidière of the essay Exterieur Danse, and contributed to La scène et les images (Paris, CNRS 2001), Butô(s) (Paris, CNRS, 2002), Rythmes, flux, corps. Art et ville contemporaine (CIEREC-Presses Universitaires de Saint Etienne, 2012), La rue comme espace chorégraphique (Presses Universitaires de Rouen, 2017). Her interest includes site specific experiences, contemporary dance & performance, theatre & cognitive science. Trained as dancer & actress, she is working mainly on the relation between practice and theory.

Some of her publications include:

Masterclass with Thierry Thieû Niang

Since the beginning of the project in 2016, the young dancers participating in the SHAPERS project have had the opportunity to meet various choreographers to discover new aesthetics and deepen their choreographic vocabulary. Open to all other dancers (either professional or in the midst of becoming professional), these masterclasses were also an opportunity for the project participants to meet other dancers from the region.

Within this context, choreographer Thierry Thieû Niang was invited to give the masterclass Sharing with others, beyond the generation gap in Marseilles at the Cité des arts de la rue, in which the SHAPERS dancers participated alongside elderly amateur dancers.



Dancer and choreographer Thierry Thieû Niang associates artists from different disciplines as well as children, adolescents, elderly amateurs, prisoners, and autistic people, to his creations.

During the 17/18 season, he is working in theater, opera, dance, and cinema with the following artists: Marie Desplechin, Ariane Ascaride, Anne Alvaro, Éponine Momenceau, Dominique Blanc, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Linda Lê, Claire-Ingrid Cottanceau, Madeleine Louarn, Sara Llorca, Daniel Jeanneteau, Jean Bellorini, Philippe Lefait, Olivier Mellano, Jimmy Boury, Éric Caravaca, Sébastien Ly, Nicolas Daussy, François Gedigier, and François Waledisch.


Performances in Mostar and Banja Luka

September 2017

As a part of the ZVRK festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina), SHAPERS went on tour and performed in:

  • Sarajevo on September 27th
  • Mostar on September 25th
  • Banja Luka on September 30th

The festival included a conference on September 28th for professional networking to discuss best practices in public spaces.

Zvrk [Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina], an association promoting education and new dance initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, launched for the first edition of the Zvrk Festival in 2009. This organisation was founded as the result of a common goal among cultural actors and artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina to develop dance at a local level, through teaching, outreach initiatives, and performances. https://zvrkart.com/

Performance in Sarajevo

September 2017

As a part of the ZVRK festival (Bosnia and Herzegovina), SHAPERS went on tour and performed in:

  • Sarajevo on September 27th
  • Mostar on September 25th
  • Banja Luka on September 30th

The festival included a conference on September 28th for professional networking to discuss best practices in public spaces.

Zvrk [Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina], an association promoting education and new dance initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, launched for the first edition of the Zvrk Festival in 2009. This organisation was founded as the result of a common goal among cultural actors and artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina to develop dance at a local level, through teaching, outreach initiatives, and performances. https://zvrkart.com/

Performance in Casablanca

Following an artistic residency from February 29th to March 6th at l’Espace Darja in Casablanca, Meryem Jazouli,  the choreographer and artistic Director of Espace Darja, chose to present the very first steps of the dance creation and the cooperation’s project at the core of the city center of Casablanca: The United Nation Square, right in front of the Medina (the original city). This space reflects the city itself and is crossed every day by thousands of people coming from and going everywhere…

The public performance was made possible thanks to a partnership with the French Institute of Casablanca.


Espace Darja [Casablanca, Morocco] founded by choreographer Meriem Jazouli, is a place for artistic residencies and cultural experimentation, locally known as a platform for dialogue, encounters, and performances. Its aim is to develop contemporary dance in Morocco. www.espacedarja.com

Casablanca artistic residency

The 4 Ex Nihilo dancers (Anne Le Batard, Jean Antoine Bigot, Corinne Pontana and Rolando Rocha) led a creation residency with the eight SHAPERS dancers from February 29th to March 8th at Espace Darja in Casablanca, Morocco.

A few weeks after the whole team gathered for the first time in Marseille, the squares and streets of Casablanca offered new atmospheres and spaces to observe, to react to, to dance in, and to create for.

Meryem Jazouli,  the choreographer and artistic Director of Espace Darja, chose to present the very first steps of the dance creation and the cooperation’s project at the core of the city center of Casablanca: The United Nations Square, right in front of the Medina (the old city). This space reflects the city itself and is crossed every day by thousands of people coming from and going everywhere…

“How do you make a gesture, your gesture, in a space like this?
How do you give it enough life to echo that architecture, this framework and in the public mind?

With generosity, sobriety and a lot of presence, the dancers learned to carry, transmit, question and even to react to the public around this choreographic object which they defended relentlessly.”

-Meryem Jazouli, Espace Darja

This public performance was made possible thanks to a partnership with the French Institute of Casablanca.

Espace Darja [Casablanca, Morocco] founded by choreographer Meryem Jazouli, is a place for artistic residencies and cultural experimentation, locally known as a platform for dialogue, encounters, and performances. Its aim is to develop contemporary dance in Morocco. www.espacedarja.com

The Dancers

Following a series of workshop auditions from April 2016 to January 2017, eight young dancers from Egypt, France, Spain and Morocco participated in this training programme for professional dancers.

The dancer Emma Riba came to join and supplement the team as a substitute dancer in October 2017.


Ahmed Shamel Azmy, Egypt

Born in 1991, in Cairo, Egypt, Ahmed Shamel Azmy became interested in dancing at a very young age, practicing Hip Hop at home, using YouTube and other media to improve his skills. By the age of 21, he was accepted into the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center, where he had the opportunity to work with various choreographers such as Christian Ubl, Arno Schuitmarker and Libertad Pozo. Ahmed is also a member of Swaggers Crew with experience in street dance and Krump.

Throughout the SHAPERS project, Ahmed was intrigued by the concept of movement and how to become a stronger mover rather than a stronger dancer. He uses practices such as ‘animal flow’ as inspiration along with a variety of other physical practices to explore his body and capabilities, a concept he wishes to popularize in Egypt’s dance community.

Shady Abdelahrman, Egypt

Shady Abdelrahman is a young artist, actor, dancer, pantomime artist, and clown. Since 2007 he has acted in many theatrical performances, short films, and television shows. He participated in the 2015-2016 studio ZAT actor preparation workshop with Shady Khalaf and Ahmed Kamal.

With a dance background in ‘popping’, Shady’s relationship with contemporary dance began in Karima Mansour’s workshop in 2011, before joining the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center’s Professional training program (2012-2015). During his studies, he was selected to attend the Henny Jurriens scholarship program in Amsterdam. In addition to working and touring with many choreographers and companies, Shady is working on his own projects as a director and choreographer.

Mourad Koula, Morocco

A dancer and circus artist, specialized in Chinese pole, Mourad Koula was trained at Shems’y National Circus School in Salé, Morocco. He has worked with many directors and choreographers: Sylvie Guillermin, Guillaume Bertrand, Juha Marsalo, Thierry Poquet, Jawad Essounani, Anne Le Batard, Jean Antoine Bigot, and Samuel Tétreault.

His solo Shkoun ana, has been shown many times in Morocco and France. Mourad has performed in: Karacena Festival in Salé (2012 & 2014), Sacred World Music Festival in Fès (2013 & 2014), Fatw’art Festival in Casablanca (2013, 2014 & 2015), Nassim el Raqs in Alexandria (2015), Street art and circus Festival of Agadir (2015), Chalon dans la rue in France (2015), Mes de danza festival in Seville (in 2016), Crolles circus festival in France (2016), and the dance festival On marche in Marrakech (2017). He is currently creating new performances such as Error 404 with the Wajdins cie and Youness Essafy.

Ayoub Kerkal, Morocco

A circus artist and dancer, Ayoub Kerkal began training in the renowned Shems’y National Circus School in Salé, Morocco, in 2011. Since 2012, he returned to this first passion, contemporary dance, working with choreographers such as Mic Guillaumes, Thomas Huert, and the company Ex Nihilo.

In 2013, he became a member of the parkour company Accroche-toi, as a dancer and circus artist. Ayoub has participated in festivals such as the Biennale of Circus Arts in Karacena (2012 & 2015), as well as multiple dance festivals: On Marche in Morocco, Nassim el Raqs in Egypt, and Zvrk Festival in Bosnia Herzegovina.

Lucia Bocanegra, Spain

Lucia Bocanegra was born in Seville in 1997. She started dancing at the Endanza space in Seville in 2000. Before entering the Professional Dance Conservatory, she also took classes at the Performing Arts Center of Seville. Lucia chose to specialize in contemporary dance in 2015, and was selected by the CAD (Andalusian Dance Center) to train. In addition, she has participated in the creation of various short pieces, such as Seenpro (2015), Soulviewer, the conservatory’s 2015 end of the year piece, and the trio Nudas (2016). Lucia also performed the solo Gnosis, for the CAD 2015 tour and Salafuera within the cultural collaboration of the 2016 Noche en Blanco in Seville. From 2016 to 2018, she joined the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Project SHAPERS with the company Ex Nihilo.

Elvira Balboa, Spain

Elvira Balboa finished her professional dance studies in 2017 at the Royal Contemporary Dance School Reina Sofia. She is currently a part of the Euro-Mediterranean project SHAPERS, directed by the French Company Ex Nihilo. She is continuing her graduate studies in dance at the Theater Institute of Barcelona.

Elvi is a dancer and choreographer in the company Land Lab Project and CIA la Coet. In 2015 she participated in the project Let’s Dance directed by Trinidad Castillo, a student of Pina Bausch. From 2012 to 2016 she created and organized the project Danzamatique (micro, macro, perfodanza) in Granada.

Natacha Kierbel, France

Natacha Kierbel was born in Paris in 1995. She trained at the Conservatoire Régional de Paris. In addition, she studied Literature and Theatre at Sorbonne Nouvelle University and trained at the International Acting School of Paris. In 2014, Natacha joined the Geneva Junior Ballet, where she danced the repertoire from Aleksander Ekman, Hofesh Shechter, Roy Assaf, Barak Marshall, Sharon Eyal, Adonis Foniadakis, and Kaori Ito among others. Since graduating in 2016, Natacha has worked with the company Ex Nihilo for the Euro-Mediterranean project in public space SHAPERS, choreographed by Anne Le Batard and toured in Morocco, Egypt, Spain, and Bosnia. She has also worked with the stage director Robert Carsen at the Opera of Lausanne and with the company Karine Saporta.

Aurore Allo, France

Aurore Allo studied contemporary dance in Paris and Belgium. She has worked for different projects in France and abroad as a dancer and choreographer. She believes in art in public space as a way to communicate with audiences in a common and publicly used area.

Aurore is interested in working with dance and art as a tool for social mediation, specifically with children and disabled people.

Emma Riba, Spain

Born in Andorra in 1990, Emma Riba studied contemporary dance in different schools in Barcelona, finishing her studies in Salzburg at the SEAD academy where she learned from dancers and choreographers such as Edivaldo Ernesto, Rootlessroots, Milan Tomasik, and others. Since 2016, she has worked with choreographers like Willi Dorner, Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi, Helena Pellisé, and has collaborated as a substitute in the Euro-Mediterranean Project SHAPERS with the Ex Nihilo company. She is currently a member of the Spanish company Cielo Ras0. In 2017, she created the dance collective US BACK IN TOWN together with Laura Alcalà. They work not only in the creation field but also to promote dance and creation as tools for social mediation. They have worked with amateurs in schools as well as with disabled people.

Workshop and Audition in Sevilla

A two-day workshop and audition took place October 17th and 18th in Sevilla, Spain. Following this workshop, two Spanish dancers were selected to join the creation of the choreographic piece, SHAPERS, during the artistic residency during the Mes de Danza Contemporary Dance Festival #23.

This was the first public presentation of the performance.

This phase of the project included getting in touch with local actors from the danse scene in Seville.

The two dancers selected from Spain:

Lucia Bocanegra
Elvira Balboa






Mes de Danza [Seville, Spain] Since its first edition in 1994, the main objective of Mes de Danza Festival is to explore dance in its widest and most varied approaches and trends, and to link performances with the audience (whether familiar or not with dance). Beyond its role as a festival, Mes de Danza has contributed to shape and strengthen the local dance scene, in Andalusia and Spain. www.mesdedanza.es



Workshop and audition in Casablanca

The first steps into the street

The very beginnings of the SHAPERS projet took place at Espace Darja, in Casablanca, with a dance workshop for a group of 15 dancers from September 26th to October 9th, 2016, followed by an audition in which two Moroccan dancers were selected for the creation of the choreographic piece, SHAPERS.

Let’s start to deal with the street… How does the body interact with public space and people in an urban environment?

“It’s been 10 days that I see the 12 dancers selected for the first workshop period of the project SHAPERS arriving every morning in Casablanca. 10 days that I watch them work and despite an unfortunately fluctuating energy for many, the desire to be part of this experience seems general…More than ever, we are convinced that such long-term projects are indispensable, especially in our countries where training is often lacking and where it is difficult to make these young dancers understand that dance and their choice to be a dancer require a total commitment (even more so during working hours). Because when the magic operates and we witness those moments of grace in the streets of Casablanca and we are all without exception driven by the energy that brings them together and the tension that drives them, we can only see the part of an artist that they carry within themselves, of which they may not really be aware but which once revealed, will never allow them to go back…”

-Meryem Jazouli, Director of l’Espace Darja


The two dancers selected for the project in Morocco :

Ayoub Kerkal
Mourad Kouala





Espace Darja [Casablanca, Morocco] founded by choreographer Meriem Jazouli, is a place for artistic residencies and cultural experimentation, locally known as a platform for dialogue, encounters, and performances. Its aim is to develop contemporary dance in Morocco. www.espacedarja.com