This partners meeting took place at the Cité des arts de la rue, in Marseilles, May 26th and 27th, 2018
All of the project partners were present at this meeting with the objective to assess the project as a whole and prepare the last steps – Ex Nihilo (Marseilles), Nassim el Raqs (Alexandria)/Momkin-espaces de possibles (Marseilles), the Centre Rézodanse – Egypte (Alexandria), l’Espace Darja (Casablanca), Mes de Danza (Sevilla), ZVRK (Sarajevo), in8 circle – maison de production (Marseilles).
We took these two days to understand what our goals were and how we carried them out, discussing both the positive and negative points, difficulties, and moments of great satisfaction. We highlighted the skills gained that supported our other personal projects or collaborative projects. Another objective was to share our difficulties and the solutions we put in place to carry out the project to value our experience.
Each day began with a commun physical warm-up, led by the Ex Nihilo dancers Corinne Pontana and Rolando Rocha.
To develop a shared analysis of the commun project, each partner prepared a presentation, starting from their positions and their individual skills used in order to carry out the project. The commun questions we asked ourselves were:
-What skills and knowledge did you use in this commun project?
-What did SHAPERS bring to your cultural project/structure?
-What are the new skills you developed within the SHAPERS project through this shared experience?
-What traces of SHAPERS to leave behind?